An elegant summer twirly dress
An indispensable piece for the summer wardrobe!
In this fabric Spring is in the air.
In white it is just right for ceremonies.
An easy to make dress, light, twirly...
An easy to wear design for all occasions.
The neckline is adjustable with ties to be more or less low-cut.
A drawstring at chest level in a contrasting bias binding.
Cutaway shoulders give a sophisticated air.
Pois Plumes on the end of the ties, because I still like them so much :-)
Specially designed for beginners.
This example is made in:
Liberty Irma: La valise de T&N
Bias binding Liberty Capel: La valise de T&N
Pois Plumes: LesPoisPlumes
A superb fluorescent version is to be discovered at Antonella's.
For something more subtle, have a look at the needle fairy's version