Children's Models Sort by duration Sort by publication Sort by name Sort by difficulty Show Photos View Technical Drawings 9 models found Her Little Dressing Mixte Le Dressing Mixte C'est un ensemble de 5 modèles dans une seule pochette, To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 12 years Dynamique Dynamique like some Jeggings To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 10 years Exotique An outfit comprising trousers and a little strapless sun-top. To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 10 years Fantasque Trousers unlike any others with sides that are highlighted by dancing panels. To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 12 years Perplexe - To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 12 years Taquine A pretty playsuit, very of the moment. To consult 2.Normally 2.Normally 2 to 10 years Farfelu Harem pants unlike any others, with their puffball effect. To consult 2.Normally 2.Normally 10 to 16 years Farfelu Teen Harem pants unlike any others, with their puffball effect. To consult 1.Easy 2.Normally 2 to 10 years Vintage Elegant trousers with little bows... To consult