Children's Models Sort by publication Sort by name Sort by difficulty Sort by duration Show Photos View Technical Drawings 9 models found 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 12 years Perplexe - To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 12 years Dynamique Dynamique like some Jeggings To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 12 years Taquine A pretty playsuit, very of the moment. To consult 1.Easy 2.Normally 2 to 10 years Vintage Elegant trousers with little bows... To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 10 years Fantasque Trousers unlike any others with sides that are highlighted by dancing panels. To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 10 years Exotique An outfit comprising trousers and a little strapless sun-top. To consult 2.Normally 2.Normally 10 to 16 years Farfelu Teen Harem pants unlike any others, with their puffball effect. To consult 2.Normally 2.Normally 2 to 10 years Farfelu Harem pants unlike any others, with their puffball effect. To consult Her Little Dressing Mixte Le Dressing Mixte C'est un ensemble de 5 modèles dans une seule pochette, To consult