Children's Models Sort by difficulty Sort by publication Sort by name Sort by duration View Technical Drawings Show Photos 8 models found Her Little Dressing Vol.3 HER Little Dressing 3 c'est un ensemble de 5 Modèles enfant dans une seule pochette To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 10 years Craquante Reversible jacket for Spring and Autumn To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 12 years Pittoresque Long sleeved cardigan, draped front To consult 1.Easy 1.Fast 2 to 8 years Prestant Small collar revers give a little ’dressy’ effect To consult 2.Normally 2.Normally 2 to 8 years Courtois A little, reversible waistcoat to finish off a dress... To consult 2.Normally 2.Normally 2 to 8 years Exquis A short, reversible bolero to finish off a dress... To consult 2.Normally 2.Normally Poupée Médiévale et Exquis Little - To consult 2.Normally 2.Normally Poupée Studieuse et Courtois Little - To consult